Parbat Balam Kheera Ras is used in kidney stone, aur gas, very beneficial in acidity and colic, estannel of balam kheera ras is very beneficial for the kidney stone
Parbat Balam Kheera Ras is used in kidney stone, aur gas, very beneficial in acidity and colic, estannel of balam kheera ras is very beneficial for the kidney stone
Parbat Dard Janti Tel is a massage oil that can help relieve joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, and knee pain. It can also help relax muscles and joints, and reduce stiffness caused by chronic pain.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras luctus congue nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras luctus congue nisi.
Parbat Majoon Constipation, gas, piles, sour belching, not keeping the stomach clean. natural herbs and successful combination to relieve pain in all of the stomach. by using this innocent one can get rid of all diseases.
Parbat Dard Janti Tel is a massage oil that can help relieve joint pain, muscle pain, back pain, and knee pain. It can also help relax muscles and joints, and reduce stiffness caused by chronic pain.
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